Class Act Sportsmanship
Seymour High School is a "Class Act” School
CIAC Sportsmanship Guidelines
- The CIAC requires that all school personnel – administrators, faculty, and coaches – give special and specific emphasis about CIAC’s expectations for good sportsmanship during the regular season as well as CIAC tournaments requiring that athletes and members of the student body conduct themselves in a manner that reflects nothing but credit upon your school. Any unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of students and adults is unacceptable and will be addressed with strong and appropriate measures
- The CIAC Sportsmanship standards should be as widely disseminated as possible using the student-parent handbook, student-athlete handbook, school newspaper, parent newsletter, school web site and local media.
- The CIAC Sportsmanship standards for spectators should be read by PA announcers prior to each contest.
- The CIAC Sportsmanship standards of conduct will be prominently posted at all sports venues.
- When event programs are provided, the CIAC Sportsmanship standards will be included.
- Member schools require having athletes, parents/guardians, sign an acknowledgment which would show that they have read the student-athlete handbook and understand the CIAC Sportsmanship standards.
- Member schools work with community officials to insure that levels of the CIAC Sportsmanship standards are enforced when contests are held at their school and at non-school facilities.
- The CIAC and the CIAC sports committees insist the CIAC Sportsmanship standards be rigorously enforced at all regular season contests and at all CIAC tournament contests. This is particularly important when contests are held at non-school sites.
- Member schools will conduct a pre-season meeting with school-athletes, coaches and parents to review the CIAC Sportsmanship standards.
- Member schools should communicate with opposing schools and inform them they are a “Class Act School” and provide them with the CIAC Sportsmanship standards which will be strictly adhered to.
- Member schools hosting a game should make available to visiting schools necessary game information – includes directions for parking, location of ticket booths, seating arrangement, ticket prices, game time, directions for each game site.
- Member schools hosting a game should arrange for adequate police supervision.
- When possible Member school hosting a game should assign officials to dressing facilities separated from both teams. Provide escorts for the officials when it appears that disturbances may develop.
- Member schools should take measures to prevent fans form getting near or on the playing area and around the players benches. After the contest, prevent fans from going onto the playing area.
- Member schools should provide for adequate supervision of students and facilities. Supervisors should sit in the stands with students.
- Member schools should support and adhere to ALL the following CIAC standards.
The CIAC “Class Act” Sportsmanship Standards
All Spectators (including parents):
- Will adhere to the host school’s acceptable dress code at all home and away contests commensurate with classroom behavior. For CIAC tournament contests all spectators will be appropriately attired with their torso completely covered and with no visible degrading or demeaning writings/logos.
- Any signs displayed must be positive in nature, reference only the school supported by the sign maker, and must be pre-approved by the Athletic Director of the school reference in the sign.
- During outdoor sports, no air horns or horns of any kind or whistles will be used, and any other noise makers will be allowed with the host athletic director’s approval and only be used during “dead ball” situations to celebrate good play. During indoor sports, no noisemakers will be used.
- Spectators will cheer positively to support their team, will not cheer negatively against the opponent.
- Spectators will show respect for the game officials and their decisions.
- Spectators will show respect for the playing of the National Anthem.
Game Personnel/Announcers:
- Will explain and consistently enforce host school expectations for spectators.
- Will be enthusiastic but not show favoritism while making announcements, and never publicly question or criticize the players, coaches, or officials.
- Will encourage respect for the National Anthem and remind spectators to remove caps and stand.
- Will exemplify high moral character, behavior and leadership, lead by example, and set a standard for players and spectators to follow both on and off the athletic arena.
- Will teach players the rules of the game and to respect the game, and will take action when athletes exhibit poor sportsmanship.
- Will respect the integrity and judgment of officials and will not publicly criticize or question the decisions of officials.
- Will be aware of the competitive balance of contests and will manage the score in a manner that is sportsmanlike and respectful of opponents.
- Will accept the responsibility and privilege the student-athlete has in representing their school and community by learning and showing teamwork, sportsmanship and discipline in all aspects of the game.
- Will demonstrate respect for self, coach, teammates, opponents, officials, and spectators by exhibiting good character and conducting themselves as a positive role model.
- Will win and lose graciously.
- Will cheer for your team, not against your opponent.
- Will congratulate opponents in a sincere manner following either victory or defeat.