The Seymour Board of Education (BOE) is responsible for setting the Policies of the Seymour Public Schools. Per BOE Policy 9040: "The Board of Education shall: Employ an able and qualified Superintendent of Schools, Adopt policies to govern the operation of the school system, Communicate the educational program to the people of the community, Keep abreast of future educational needs of the town as well as the present, Adopt an annual budget, and Take such specific actions as are required by law.”
The BOE has established a Policy Committee to review and propose policy changes, revisions, amendments, deletions, revisions, and new policies.Board Policy will, unless by vote of two-thirds of the members present of the Board of Education, be adopted or amended after consideration at two regular meetings of the Board of Education. The agenda and minutes shall be marked to indicate policy matters.
Please click the link below to navigate Seymour Public School Policies.
Seymour Public School Policies (External Link)