Teacher of the Year
Are closed at this time
It is now time in Seymour for any staff member, parent, student or community member to submit a nomination for Seymour’s Teacher of the Year 2024-25. Nominees should be teachers with at least five full years of experience in Seymour and work directly with students at least 50% of the time and are currently working under a Connecticut certification with a teaching endorsement or a vocational teaching endorsement. Former Seymour Teachers of the Year cannot be nominated again. The history of our Teacher of the Year can be viewed on our website at:
All teacher nominations will remain in the pool for consideration for two years (the year nominated and the following year). To nominate a teacher, please complete the nomination form that can be accessed on our website: https://www.seymourschools.org/board-of-education/teacher-of-the-year. Completed nomination forms can be submitted online, scanned to slevey@seymourschools.org, or returned to any of our schools’ main offices or mailed to:
Teacher of the Year
Superintendent’s Office
Seymour Public Schools
2 Botsford Road, Suite A
Seymour, CT 06483
Nominations will be accepted from March 25, 2024 to April 5, 2024.
This is a very important event for any teacher, and this is the chance to honor the fine work of Seymour’s teachers. Please take the time to consider recognizing a teacher for contributions they have made to the students of Seymour. We appreciate your input and value your opinion.