Temporary Full-Time Distance Learning
Full Distance Learning Information
Per CT Reopen guidelines, parents who are uncomfortable with their child(ren) returning to the physical school building may choose to have their child(ren) temporarily participate in an alternative full distance learning experience. Seymour Schools supports parents in this important and unique decision and will work in partnership to ensure each learner has an optimal and challenging learning experience.
Full distance learning is a temporary learning opportunity that is available for those parents and students voluntarily opting into remote learning programming while other students attend in-person instruction. This voluntary family choice is not intended to be the same as the opportunities provided when classes are canceled for a broader population, should public health data require it, and the nature of the voluntary distance learning programming may not result in matching instructional hours 1:1 with an in-person learning model. Based on CT State Department of Education guidance, in collaboration with the school district, parents who decide to opt into voluntary temporary full distance learning will also be expected to supervise and engage their children to fully and effectively access the remote learning programming that is offered through Seymour Public Schools.
Our temporary full distance learners will be an important part of our SPS community as we begin this school year. We believe it is critical that our remote learners remain connected to the district, and we are committed to continuing to provide both high quality learning experiences and opportunities to connect with SPS staff and peers. Our goal is to provide full distance learning experiences that are aligned with grade level standards and learning outcomes. The remote schedule will resemble an in-school schedule, yet each distance learning teacher per grade level will provide a clear schedule for each day of the week for student learning and participation. Students will log in for live, face to face online learning as well as a balance of asynchronous, independent learning opportunities.
Since our learners’ abilities are unique and need to be grade level appropriate, the full distance learning plan will look different at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. At the elementary and middle school, students will be grouped by grade level cohort and assigned a specific teacher designated to provide distance learning instruction. These students will have a specific teacher and a specific group of grade level peers, which will not be part of the in person or hybrid classroom sections. These students will follow a regular school day schedule established by the assigned teacher. At the high school level, students who opt for full distance learning will be logging into each of their previously assigned classes and teachers via technology. Distance Learning of a mix of live and previously recorded instructional sessions.
Those families who have chosen to have their children participate in the Temporary Full Distance Learning this fall will be contacted by building administration to pick up materials for this school year. Materials will include but are not limited to textbooks and a Chromebook.
To avoid unnecessary transitions for our students, we strongly encourage families who select full distance learning to plan to continue in the Full Distance Learning through the first marking period.
K-8 Temporary Full Distance Learning students will:
· Be assigned to a grade level cohort of peers and participate in an online community led by SPS teachers and staff
· Be provided a district-issued Chromebook (gr. K-12)
· Engage in a combination of synchronous (“live”) grade level large group, small group/individual Google Meet Sessions, and independent asynchronous learning activities. Students who are not present or virtually visible, for a class session will be marked absent unless the student has been called in for an approved absence reason
· Be placed into grade level flexible groupings that take into account the developmental needs of each individual student
· Engage in learning that is supported by district digital learning platforms and applications (including Google Classroom, Raz Kids, Lexia, Kiddoms, Screencastify)
· Participate in ELA and math mini-lessons that are provided both synchronously and asynchronously via video recordings. Content area instruction (science/social studies, etc) will be integrated into literacy instruction or provided via content-based Meets/seminars
· Middle School Grades 6-8 full distance learners will receive mathematics and world language instruction via the technology learning platform Edgenuity, which will be guided by the student’s assigned certified teacher
· Middle School full distance learners, as well as hybrid learners, will have a middle school content teacher (math, science, social studies, ELA) available to them three afternoons each week for online support for one hour on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. These sessions will be open and students can pop in for help, or may be invited in for additional content support as needed
· Receive ongoing individualized feedback from the assigned distance learning teacher relative to grade-level standards
· Elementary progress reports may include an abbreviated selection of prioritized grade level standards which will show student progress in relation to grade level standards. A Behavioral & Academic Responsibility section and comment section will be included, as well
· Middle School and High School progress reports will reflect traditional grading practices. A Behavioral & Academic Responsibility section and comment section will be included, as well.
· Receive asynchronous virtual instruction in Art, Music, and Physical Education on a weekly basis
· While distance learning may not result in matching instructional hours 1:1 with an in-person learning model, students will receive independent work equivalent to the workload assigned during a normal school year
· Retain the levels of support that they received in the physical school (IEP, 504, EL, SRBI)
Below are SAMPLES of temporary distance learning schedules
Example of K-5 Temporary Distance Learning Schedule |
Example of 6-8 Temporary Distance Learning Schedule |
9-9:30 Morning Meeting |
8:00-8:30 Homeroom/ SEL activity |
9:30-10:15 ELA |
8:30-9:15 SS |
10:15-11:00 Math |
9:15-10:00 ELA |
11:00-11:30 independent work/teacher grade level meeting |
10:00-10:30 independent work/support/teacher grade level meeting |
11:30-12:30 lunch/recess/prep |
10:30-11:15 Science |
12:30-1:30 Science/Social Studies/Integrated ELA |
11:15-12:00 lunch/screen break |
1:30-2:30 UA |
12:00-1:00 Student UA/physical activity/ teacher prep |
2:30-2:50 SEL activity/independent work/support |
1:00-1:45 Math (Edgenuity) |
2:50-3:30 Teacher prep |
1:45-2:30 World Language (Edgenuity) or ELA/integrated content skill reinforcement |
9-12 Temporary Full Distance Learning students will:
· Be assigned to a grade level cohort of peers and participate in an online community led by SPS teachers and staff
· Be provided a district-issued Chromebook (gr. K-12)
· Engage in a combination of synchronous (“live”) grade level large group, small group/individual Google Meet Sessions, and independent asynchronous learning activities during their assigned
· scheduled times for class. At the high school level we expect to use a synchronous (live) model as much as possible. This means students learning at home will follow their class schedule, logging in for each class at the proper time
· Engage in learning that is supported by district digital learning platforms and applications (Google Classroom)
· Participate in each assigned class in the student’s schedule by logging in and being present virtually during each class, where attendance will be taken. Students who are not present, virtually visible, for a class section, will be marked absent and reported for a class cut unless the student has been called in for an approved absence reason
· Full distance learners, as well as hybrid learners, will have a high school content teacher (math, science, social studies, ELA) available to them three afternoons each week for online support for one hour on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. These sessions will be open and students can pop in for help, or may be invited in for additional content support as needed
· Receive ongoing individualized feedback relative to grade-level standards and the same report card all other students receive
· While Temporary Distance Learning may not always result in matching instructional hours 1:1 with an in-person learning model, students will receive independent work equivalent to the workload assigned during a normal school year
· Retain the levels of support that they received in the physical school (IEP, 504, EL)
Seymour Distance & Remote Learning Etiquette
Version 2
Students must utilize the following when utilizing chat and video features of distance learning platforms. Just like being in the classroom in the building, there are norms and rules to follow.
Live Video Discussions
· Video will be turned on so teacher and students can see each other (not the entire lesson/will vary)
· Teacher will control who/when mute is utilized
· Do not permit anyone else to participate or be visible on your live video meeting, other than reasonable adult supervision
· Background- please be mindful of what is happening in your background
· Mute- mute your microphone when not speaking to eliminate background noise
· Appropriate Clothing- is your attire appropriate? Example: shirts with profanity are not allowed in school- same reminders for virtual learning
· Appropriate Place -Chat while at a table, desk, or other appropriate learning space.
· Appropriate Language- both verbally and in online chats, no profanity or hurtful comments are allowed.
· If the teacher utilizes a chat feature, a question can be asked while somebody is speaking through the chat. This encourages all students to have a voice in the discussion
· Students are not allowed to record or take photos of teachers or students in lessons or virtual sessions
· Google Classroom and school email are the district-supported learning platforms for all communication
· Use all technology as outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy
· Comply with all BoE policies including those concerning confidentiality of student records
Learning Expectations… Students Will:
- Build in breaks to give their minds and bodies rest from the screen and learning
- Seek help when needed (teachers, guidance, principals)
- Create balance by taking opportunities to work offline and upload tasks
- Sign into the classrooms daily- keep connected
- Demonstrate learning with completion of assignments
- Communicate with the teacher and carefully review feedback
- Demonstrate online learning etiquette
- Reach out to teachers, parents, or counselors if they are overwhelmed
- Collaborate with peers using respectful language and behaviors
- Do and submit your work and only your own work
- Use equipment as outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy
- Wear attire acceptable for school
Distance Learning Material pick up Days
CLS and BES- children should report to their home school to pick up their materials, on either September 2 or September 3 from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
SMS- children should report to the middle school to pick up materials on September 3 from 10:00am – 12:00 pm
SHS – children should report to the high school on either September 3 or September 4 from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Full Distance Learning Frequently Asked Questions
Will my child receive Progress Reports or Report Cards?
Students will receive ongoing feedback through comments, grades, rubrics, and online software programs. At the end of the trimester, elementary students will receive a progress report with an abbreviated selection of prioritized grade level standards which will show student progress in relation to grade level standards. A Behavioral & Academic Responsibility section and comment section will be included as well. Middle and High School students will receive traditional report cards at the end of each quarter.
Will attendance be taken?
Yes, attendance will be taken at all levels at each synchronous meet and reported. Students should be available during their regular school hours as their synchronous meeting will be assigned to them during these hours. If your child is going to be absent, please follow the normal attendance protocols by calling the school to notify them. Students will coordinate with their assigned distance learning teacher for missed work. If a student misses the morning meeting or first class, students will be considered tardy unless the parent has contacted the school accordingly with an approved reason.
Will there be an overview of Distance Learning provided?
Yes, this Distance Learning Plan will be posted on the website. Elementary, middle, and high schools will conduct a welcome meeting for all distance learning participants.
Will parents need to support Full Distance Learning at home?
Yes, there is an expectation that parents will continue to support students during their independent work during Remote Learning. Most elementary students will need adult support in the home to have a successful remote learning experience. There is an expectation that parents will continue to support students during their independent work during Remote Learning. Based on CT State Department of Education guidance, in collaboration with the school district, parents who decide to opt into voluntary remote learning will also be expected to supervise and engage their children to fully and effectively access the remote learning programming that is offered through the Seymour Public Schools. The amount of support needed at home will vary from student to student.
Will the temporary Full Distance model follow the SPS 2020-2021 school calendar?
Yes. The Remote Learning Academy will follow the same schedule as all school buildings (including holidays, early release days, etc.)
Will my child still receive special services that are required?
Temporary Full Distance Learners would receive supports similar to what they received in the physical school (IEP, 504, EL). The Director of Pupil Services will communicate with building administration and case managers to define what these supports and services look like for each individual.
Will my child ever be required to come into the school building for any reason?
Yes, there may be specific reasons your child will need to make an appointment to report to his/her building. These reasons may include: receiving special services, participating in the MAP assessment, State Assessments- SB, SAT, PSAT, NGSS, PE (should they occur.)
Will my child still be able to receive lunch from school?
Yes, our food service department is working out details to make meals available once a week for pickup for families who elect to participate in Temporary Full Distance Learning. Details will be provided by our Director, Cindy Brooks.
What do I do if I choose to no longer participate in the temporary Full Distance Learning option and choose to return to in-school learning or another learning option available at that time?
Please email Cathy Guerra, Centralized Registrar via email that you intend transition back to in-school learning. This transition is strongly encouraged to align with the end of a marking period. For planning purposes, please be aware that it may take up to two weeks to transition students between programs, especially if bus transportation is required. Your child will be assigned to a hybrid classroom at this point.
Will my child ever ‘see’ the building administrators?
Yes. Regularly, building administration will join morning meeting, homeroom, or different open spot/option to check in with the full distance learning students and continue to build the school community connections.
Will I have virtual parent teacher conferences and meet the teacher night like the hybrid students?
Yes. The temporary full distance learners will follow the same district schedule which includes these very meaningful events. Details on how these conferences will be accessed will be provided later.
What if I have a technology problem?
There will be a google form on our website to fill out each time there is a technology issue. The form can be found on our Technology tab under our Distance 1:1 tab.