Building Use
Seymour Public Schools requires the completion of an application for the use of a building, grounds, or equipment. Please click the link for a copy of the Building Use Form to submit to Central Office for approval.
Use of School Facilities
Since school buildings and grounds are public property, the Board of Education may make them available for purposes other than education when they are not in use for school purposes.
The Board of Education may grant the use of school facilities for activities of an educational, cultural, civic, social, recreational, governmental or general political nature which are sponsored by responsible local individuals, organizations, agencies, or institutions, as permitted under law. The use of school facilities for school purposes has precedence over all other uses. Persons on school property must abide by the District’s conduct rules at all times.
Types of Activities Which Will Not be Permitted
1. Activities advocating the overthrow of the United States or the State of Connecticut, or of local governmental agencies.
2. Any activity that may violate the canons of good morals, manners or taste according to the standards of the community.
3. Any purpose in conflict with school activities.
4. Commercial advertising.
5. Fund-raising campaigns, except as permitted by Board of Education policy or by special action of the Board of Education.
6. Activities which are discriminatory in nature.
7. Any activity which may be injurious to the buildings, grounds or equipment of the schools.
8. Activities which are unlawful in nature.
Consistent with this policy the Superintendent, in his/her discretion in interpreting the policies of the Board of Education, shall approve and schedule the use of school facilities by an individual or group and shall develop guidelines for community use of the schools.