Food Services
The Seymour Nutrition Services Department is committed to providing good nutrition that promotes the health and wellness of students so they can be more productive in the classroom.
School breakfast and lunch is available at all schools. Menus support, promote and reinforce the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans, encouraging increased consumption of nutrient dense foods and beverages, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low fat and nonfat dairy products, (only 1% or lower fat milk will be sold) while limiting levels of cholesterol, fat, saturated fat, trans-fat, sodium and added sugars.
Nutrition Practices in the Classroom
Healthy snacks such as those following the Connecticut Nutrition Standards limiting portion size, total fat, saturated fat and grams of added sugar are strongly encouraged. The use of food items as part of a student incentive program is strongly discouraged. Nonfood alternatives are strongly encouraged for classroom celebrations. Should a classroom celebration use food items, adherence to the guidance from the Connecticut Nutrition Standards is strongly encouraged. Food will not be used as a reward or punishment.
School Meals - What you need to know
Family Application for Free and Reduced Lunch
FAQ about Free and Reduced Price School Meals