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The Bungay Elementary School Building Committee


The Bungay Elementary School Building Committee appointed by the Seymour Board of Selectpersons on January 2, 2024.

The Board of Selectpersons charged the Committee as follows:

To develop and present to the Board of Selectpersons and the people of the Town of Seymour design plans and cost estimates thereof utilizing the findings as set forth in the Report of the Bungay School Facility Needs Study Committee dated December 14, 2023 for vote at a referendum, and if the vote is positive, to develop construction plans and undertake and renovate/expand Bungay Elementary School within the approved plan cost of the referendum vote.

The Committee held its organizational meeting on January 25, 2024 at which time Peter Kubik and Fred Stanek were elected as Co-Chairpersons of the Committee, Tim Connors was elected Vice Chairperson and Rebecca Bennett was elected Secretary.

The Committee has met since the organizational meeting and after issuing a request for proposals and interviewing four firms, the Committee selected Antinozzi Associates to develop a feasibility study/facility assessment review of the current conditions of the infrastructure of Bungay Elementary School and the development of conceptual level design plans and cost estimates for the options of renovation of the school as new, extension/alteration of the school and new construction.

It is anticipated that the feasibility study/facility assessment review and development of conceptual level design plans and cost estimates will be completed by early January, 2025.  Thereafter, a referendum will be scheduled for the voters and electors of the Town of Seymour to hopefully approve the funding for a renovated/expanded Bungay Elementary School.



Rebecca Bennett
Tim Connors
Trisha Danka
Peter Kubik
Beth Nesteriak
Thomas Nobili
Andy North
Fred Stanek
Ed Strumello

BES Building Committee Upcoming Meetings & Schdules

Bungay Referendum Schedule

BES Building Committee Regular Meeting Schedule